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Emergency Preparedness Sector Coordinators

Emergency Preparedness Sector Coordinators (EP) are a critical part of the campus effort to improve our emergency preparedness. Sector Coords. will serve as a network of university personnel that connects that campus Emergency Response Team to the occupants of buildings or groups of buildings through the EP Zone Coord. While this assignment will result in some extra work, it will prove to be rewarding and educational.

The strategy is to break the campus down into zones and sectors in order to create networks of employees who are familiar with the campus response efforts. They will help coordinate the evacuation/sheltering of sector personnel, act as a source of information for first responders, and share information with the Zone Coord. The network is critical to establish a manageable span of control which will assist the university with communication, restoring order and overcoming the friction inherent to emergency situations.

This position will provide a conduit for addressing concerns and getting support for the issues specific to a sector. The network will provide better information and services to the “occupants” of the area. EP Sector Coordinators will interact with emergency response personnel, EP Zone Coordinators and department representatives of the buildings in their sector. A list of specific responsibilities is provided below.

  • Sector Coordinates should be people who spend the majority of their time in their assigned building/sector.
  • Participate and complete training requirements.
  • Participate in semi-annual EP Coord. meetings or send an appropriate alternate.
  • Act as liaison when needed between the sector occupants/stakeholders and Zone Coordinator, campus emergency response team, campus and local emergency response personnel.
  • Maintain contact information for key personnel in your sector (1 per key dept.). Report safety and health concerns to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). Provide feedback on campus emergency preparedness efforts.
  • Update your performance goals with your immediate supervisor to capture EM responsibilities.
  • Coordinate building specific annual drills with EHS and building occupants.

Training requirements are:

  • Blackboard Emergency Preparedness Training – 1 hour
  • EP Sector Coordinator training/UT Community Emergency Response Team – 4 hours of training focused on life saving behaviors in emergencies and EM Sector Coord. specific responsibilities
  • FEMA online courses IS 100 – HE. This is a 3 hour on-line course that provides some basic understanding on the standardized system in place to help prepare for and respond to emergencies.

Optional Training (Free training available during business hours):

  • NOAA Weather Spotter Training
  • Adult CPR/AED

EP Sector Coordinator Checklist


  • Knowledge of the building(s) (readily available to share with responders)
    • General layout and locations of relevant emergency features (Fire alarm panel, AEDs etc.). Training will be provided by EHS.
    • Departments that occupy your building(s) and main contact in each
    • Contact info for your Zone Coordinator
    • Physical street address of the building(s)
    • Location of lab(s) if applicable
    • Locations of nearest blue phones
  • Emergency Action Plan complete for each building (your role is tracking status not writing the plan)
  • Maintain issued personal protective equipment (EM Coord. kit).
  • Training/exercise
    • Collaborate with the department(s) and Environmental Health and Safety on annual training on the building EAP and a response drill.

Resources for Assistance

Office of Emergency Management:

  • Brian Gard at 865-974-3061

Environmental Health and Safety:

  • Ian Sinclair at 865-974-1966

Facilities Services:

  • During normal working hours 865-974-5346
  • For emergencies 865-946-7777

Your Zone Coord.